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Version: 13.x

Aplicacions externes

Sense clau Text del paràgraf XPath: /p[1]

How to enable the external API

Editeu UMS.conf i configureu una api_key com aquesta

api_key = contrasenya_secreta

La contrasenya_secreta ha de tenir un mínim de 12 caràcters.

Ús de l'API

Si l'API externa està habilitada, es pot accedir a l'API amb una trucada POST a /api/COMMAND

Escaneig de carpetes

Tornar a escanejar

Sense clau Capçalera de la taula XPath: /table[1]/thead/tr/th[1]Sense clau Capçalera de la taula XPath: /table[1]/thead/tr/th[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]`Sense clau
XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/code`
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[4]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[1]/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]

Això pot ser lent per a biblioteques grans


Sense clau
XPath: /pre[1]/code

Sense clau Títol 4 XPath: /h4[2]

Sense clau Capçalera de la taula XPath: /table[2]/thead/tr/th[1]Sense clau Capçalera de la taula XPath: /table[2]/thead/tr/th[2]
No key Table Data XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]`Sense clau
XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/code`
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[3]/td[1]Exemple: "/music/pop/Madonna". El camí ha de ser l'arrel o una subcarpeta d'un camí compartit.
Disponible des deSense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[2]/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]


curl -d "PATH_TO_SCAN" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "clau-api: contrasenya_secreta" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/folderscanner/rescanFileOrFolder

Sense clau Títol 3 XPath: /h3[2

Sense clau Títol 4 XPath: /h4[3]

La cançó es marcarà com que t'agrada.

IntencióCom una cançó identificada per "musicBrainz trackId"
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/likesong</span>
POST BODYmusicBrainz_trackID
POST BODY exemple / descripciób8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25
Disponible des deSense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[3]/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]


curl -d "b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/like/likesong

La cançó no m'agrada

La cançó no és desagradable

IntencióNo m'agrada una cançó identificada per musicBrainz trackId-
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/</span>dislikesong
POST BODYmusicBrainz_trackID
POST BODY exemple / descripciób8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25
Disponible des de10.20


curl -d "b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/like/dislikesong

és la cançó que us agrada

Comproveu si la cançó us agrada.

IntencióComproveu si la cançó identificada per musicBrainz trackId ha agradat
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/</span><span class="s1">issongliked</span>
POST BODYmusicBrainz_trackID
POST BODY exemple / descripcióSense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[5]/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[5]/tbody/tr[4]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[5]/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]
Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[5]/tbody/tr[5]/td[1]Sense clau Dades de la taula XPath: /table[5]/tbody/tr[5]/td[2]

Sense clau Text del paràgraf XPath: /p[14].

Sense clau
XPath: /pre[5]/code

Aquesta trucada afegeix l'atribut M'agrada de l'àlbum identificat per musicbrainz release-id 1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af.

aprecia l'àlbum

Estableix l'estat "m'agrada", a l'àlbum, com a cert.

IntencióAprecia un àlbum identificat per musicBrainz releaseID
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/</span>likealbum
POST BODYmusicBrainz_releaseID
POST BODY exemple / descripció1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af
Disponible des de10.20


curl -d "1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/like/likealbum

deixa d'apreciar l'àlbum

Treu l'estat de m'agrada a l'àlbum

IntentionDeixa d'apreciar un àlbum identificat per musicBrainz releaseID
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/</span>dislikealbum
POST BODYmusicBrainz_releaseID
POST BODY exemple / descripció1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af
Disponible des de10.20


curl -d "1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/like/dislikealbum

Aquesta trucada ha eliminat l'atribut M'agrada de l'àlbum identificat per musicbrainz release-id 1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af.

li agrada l'àlbum

Marca l'estat de m'agrada a l'àlbum

IntencióCheck if album is liked identified by musicBrainz releaseID
URI<span class="s1">/api/like/</span>isalbumliked
POST BODYmusicBrainz_releaseID
POST BODY example / description1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af
Available since10.20


curl -d "1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/like/isalbumliked

This call checks if the album identified by musicbrainz release-id 1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af is liked.


The rating API is responsible for rating songs. Rating information is saved in the internal database (cache enabled) and optionally in the file itself. If audio_update_rating_tag = true is set in UMS.conf the IDv3 rating field also being updated in the song file (if the songs file format is supported).

While browsing the content directory server, MusicBrainzTrackID (if available) and audiotrackID are delivered as desc metadata within the DIDL element.

set rating

IntentionSet rating in stars (0 - 5) on a song identified by musicBrainz trackId
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">rating/setrating</span>
POST BODYmusicbrainzTrackId /stars
POST BODY example / descriptionb8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25/3
Available since10.20


curl -d "b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25/3" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/rating/setrating

This call sets the user rating of all songs identified by the musicbrainz track-id b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25 to 3.

get rating

Reads song rating from database

IntentionGet song rating in stars (0 - 5) by musicBrainz trackID. Response body contains the rating information.
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">rating/getrating </span>
POST BODYmusicbrainzTrackId
POST BODY example / descriptionb8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25
Available since10.20


curl -d "b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/rating/getrating

This call reads the user rating of a song identified by the musicbrainz track-id b8695995-45e9-405d-b4aa-e50e8760fe25.

set rating by audiotrack id

IntentionSet rating in stars (0 - 5) on a song identified by UMS internal audiotrackID
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">rating/setRatingByAudiotrackId </span>
POST BODYtrackID /stars
POST BODY example / description32
Available since11.0


curl -d "32/3" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/rating/setrating

This call sets songs user rating identified by audiotrack id 32 to 3.

get rating by audiotrack id

Reads song rating from database

IntentionGet song rating in stars (0 - 5) by UMS internal audiotrackID. Response body contains the rating information.
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">rating/getRatingByAudiotrackId</span>
POST BODY example / description32
Available since11.0


curl -d "32" -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/rating/getRatingByAudiotrackId

This call reads the user rating of a song identified by UMS audiotrack-id 32.

Backup / Restore

User managed "liked album" entries can be backed up into a profile-directory subfolder named database_backup. The filename is MUSIC_BRAINZ_RELEASE_LIKE. In case UMS database gets deleted, just call restore.

backup liked albums

Backup table MUSIC_BRAINZ_RELEASE_LIKE to filesystem

Intentionbackup liked songs to filesystem
URI<span class="s1"><span class="s1">/api/like/</span></span>backupLikedAlbums
RESPONSE BODYOK or error message
Available since10.20


curl -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X GET http://localhost:5001/api/like/backupLikedAlbums

This call will create a backup file containing liked albums.

restore liked albums

Restores table MUSIC_BRAINZ_RELEASE_LIKE from filesystem

Intentionrestore liked songs from backup file
URI<span class="s1"><span class="s1"><span class="s1">/api/like/</span></span></span>restoreLikedAlbums
RESPONSE BODYOK or error message
Available since10.20


curl -w "%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X GET http://localhost:5001/api/like/restoreLikedAlbums

This call restores the backup file.


enable service

Edit UMS.conf and configure a managed playlist folder by setting 

<span class="s1">managed_playlist_folder</span> = PATH_TO_PLAYLIST_FOLDER

for enabling this service. By default this service is disabled. The playlist folder path should be located beneath a configured shared <span class="s1">folders</span> path for playlist changed made by this API to be visible by UMS.

list all playlists

Read available playlists. These playlist names have to be used for subsequent calls to add or remove songs.

IntentionDelivers all supported (m3u, m3u8 and pls) and available playlists from configured folder. Besides playlist name, the playlists playlistId is
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">playlist</span><span class="s1">/</span><span class="s1">getAllPlaylists</span>
RESPONSE BODYJSON array of playlist names
RESPONSE BODY example<span class="s1">["Pop","Jazz","Classic"]</span>
Available since11.0


curl -d "" -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X GET http://localhost:5001/api/playlist/getAllPlaylists

Aquesta trucada mostrarà totes les llistes de reproducció disponibles.

list server accessible playlists

These are all playlist known to UMS (database/cache enabled). These playlist names have to be used for subsequent calls to add or remove songs. The playlist ID can be used to navigate directly to the playlist by browsing the objectId $DBID$PLAYLIST$ concat databaseId.

IntentionDelivers all supported (m3u, m3u8 and pls) and available playlists from configured folder
URI<span class="s1">`/api/</span><span class="s1">playlist</span><span class="s1">/</span>getserverplaylists` ``
RESPONSE BODYJSON array of playlist names
RESPONSE BODY example[{"playlistName":"Jazz","playlistId":5},{"playlistName":"Charts","playlistId":343}]
Available sincedev branch


curl -d "" -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X GET http://localhost:5001/api/playlist/getserverplaylists

This call will list list all available playlist accessible by UMS.

adding songs to playlists

The required audiotrackid is delivered during UPnP browse requests and can be extracted from the DIDL response attribute descMetadata

IntentionAdd song to playlist
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">playlist</span><span class="s1">/</span><span class="s1">addSongToPlaylist</span>
POST BODYaudiotrackid<span style="background-color: #bfe6ff; font-size: 11.76px; white-space: pre-wrap;">/PLAYLIST</span>
POST BODY example / description123/Pop
Available since11.0


curl -d "123/Pop" -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/playlist/addSongToPlaylist

This adds the song with the ID 123 to the playlist Pop.

removing songs from playlists

The required audiotrackid is delivered during UPnP browse requests and can be extracted from the DIDL response attribute descMetadata



IntentionRemove song from playlist
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">playlist</span><span class="s1">/</span><span class="s1">removeSongFromPlaylist</span>
POST BODYaudiotrackid<span style="background-color: #bfe6ff; font-size: 11.76px; white-space: pre-wrap;">/PLAYLIST</span>
POST BODY example / description123/Pop
Available since11.0


curl -d "123/Pop" -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/playlist/removeSongFromPlaylist

This removes the song with the ID 123 from the playlist Pop.

create new playlists

Playlist name should be provided without any path and without file extensions. 

IntentionCreating new playlists in managed playlist folder
URI<span class="s1">/api/</span><span class="s1">playlist</span><span class="s1">/</span><span class="s1">createPlaylist</span>
POST BODY<span style="background-color: #bfe6ff; font-size: 11.76px; white-space: pre-wrap;">PLAYLIST_NAME</span>
POST BODY example / descriptionContemporary
Available since11.0


curl -d "Contemporary" -w "\n%{http_code}\n" -H "api-key: secret_password" -X POST http://localhost:5001/api/playlist/createPlaylist

This call creates a new playlist file named Contemporary.m3u8 in the managed playlist folder.

Java code example

This code snippet shows how to use the API with okhttp3 library.

import nextcp.dto.Config;
import nextcp.dto.UmsServerApiKey;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import okhttp3.Response;


public String executeCall() throws IOException
String postBody = "1e0eee38-a9f6-49bf-84d0-45d0647799af";
String apiKey = "secret_password";
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(postBody, MediaType.parse("application/text"));
String requestUrl = "";
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(requestUrl).addHeader("api-key", apiKey).post(body).build();
Call call = okClient.newCall(request);
Response response = call.execute();
return response.body().string();

HTTP return codes

| 200 | OK | | 204 | success if no content is supposed to be returned | | 401 | invalid api key | | 404 | requested object cannot be found | | 417 | API request failed | | 503 | external api is not enabled. Set a api_key in UMS.conf with a length of 12 or more character |